The Greatest of These
The Greatest of These is a podcast I plan to produce at some point in the future. At the moment it's not much more than some notes and a few recordings in my phone. But it is a concept that is dear to me and I can't seem to let it go. In short it's about how we become who we are. It's about what's handed to us and what we in turn pass along. As a new-ish parent, these are thoughts that won't let go of me. And I'm hoping to explore these ideas through this show. You're likely here because we met somewhere and I mentioned this concept to you or you've known me for a while and I keep saying I'm gonna do it. Regardless of how you arrived here, welcome! I'm so happy to have you and I'm honored you've taken the time to stop by. If you'd like to know when the show gets released, please add your name to the email list below. You will not be automatically added to the show's newsletter (if there is one) once it's released.
Thanks for your interest!
© The Greatest of These